Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson to address post-Brexit concerns, today

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, leader of Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), will address the prospects for restoring government in Northern Ireland following  the adoption of a new post-Brexit trade agreement at a Headliners Newsmaker at 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 15, at the National Press Club.

Headshot of Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

This Headliners event is open to credentialed media and club members. Click here to register. To submit a question for the speaker, please email [email protected] and put DUP in the subject line. The deadline for submitting questions in advance is 9 a.m. on the day of the event.

Britain and the European Union on Feb. 28 agreed on the Windsor Framework, a post-Brexit trade agreement for Northern Ireland that replaces the Northern Ireland Protocol, a stopgap measure that kept Northern Ireland in the EU for the purpose of facilitating trade. Donaldson's party had boycotted Northern Ireland's parliament, known as Stormont, over the agreement. The Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement requires Northern Ireland’s government to include representatives from both the Unionist and Republican parties.

The DUP has said the Windsor Framework shows progress but the party continues to have concerns.

Northern Ireland's majority party leader Michelle O'Neill, vice president of Sinn Fein, the Irish Nationalist Party, will address the National Press Club on Thursday, March. 16.