NPC Communicators Team to host discussion of PR wire services, media databases at 6 pm on Thursday, March 11

Long before the introduction of email, paid wire services provided an effective and efficient way to distribute press releases because they went directly to the newsroom by teletype machines. Today, public relations practitioners have many more tools to reach key reporters and editors. 

Steve Honig

Join the National Press Club's Communicators Team for an online discussion led by team member Steve Honig on the evolution of paid press release wires from print to digital systems. The session is scheduled for Thursday, March 11, at 6 p.m. Admission is open and free for all Club members and will be conducted by Zoom. Participants will receive a unique link to access the virtual session after completing registration.

This session is also expected to address media databases, including an assessment of their accuracy, features and value based on the collective experience of the public-relations professionals participating in the conversation.  

Honig is a veteran professional communicator who navigated worlds as diverse as Hollywood, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the Olympics, New York’s fashion industry, the Las Vegas Strip and Washington. He plans to lead a review of how and when using paid wire services are the most economical and impactful methods to distribute press releases. The discussion is also slated to cover the types of announcements and companies that are best suited for paid services, and when to turn to other ways of getting information into the hands of relevant media.