NPC Election Timetable and Procedures

  1. The annual election for the Board of Governors and officers will take place from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 10, 2010 (the second Friday of December as per the Constitution, Article IV, Section 3). Votes will be counted immediately after the closing of the polls.

  2. Voting will take place for the following positions:

    • President

    • Vice President

    • Secretary

    • Treasurer

    • Membership secretary

    • 2 governors elected by Active members for 3-year terms

    • 1 governor elected by Affiliate and Associate members for a 3-year term

  3. Nominating petitions shall be filed with the Secretary and referred to the Board of Governors by close of business on Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2010 (i.e., no later than 30 days before the election is scheduled to be held).

  4. The nominating petitions shall be signed by at least 25 Active members for the position of president, at least 15 Active members for the other officers and for the 2 governors positions elected by Active members, and 15 members other than Actives for the Affiliate/Associate governor position.

  5. Each candidate should by close of business on Friday, Nov. 12, submit to the membership office a one-page campaign statement that will be posted on the NPC Web site and mailed to those members who do not have e-mail accounts and any other members requesting them by mail.

  6. Absentee ballots: In an effort to facilitate more NPC members taking part in the election, the Board of Governors approved eliminating the previous requirement that absentee ballots can be requested only by mail. For the election, members may request an absentee ballot by either phoning Sarah Driggs in the membership department at 202-662-7511 or by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Please give your name and membership number when making the request. The membership department will then send you the absentee ballot to your residential address with two envelopes, one for placement inside the other. The outer envelope shall identify the voter, and the inner envelope shall not. The completed absentee ballots must arrive at the NPC by mail, messenger or in person by the time polls close at 7 p.m., Friday, Dec. 10. Note: All requests for absentee ballots must be by one person for one ballot only. Bundling of absentee ballot requests is prohibited.

  7. A sample ballot will appear in the Wire, will be posted on the Club bulletin board and will be mailed to those members without e-mail accounts by Wednesday, Nov. 24.

Questions can be directed to Secretary Myron Belkind, [email protected], or leave a message with Sarah Driggs at 202-662-7551.