NPC indie authors to meet, Feb. 14

If you are an independent author, there's a group at the club that might be for you. Each month, a collection of National Press Club members who are independent authors meet to share marketing, publishing and distribution ideas. The group's next meeting takes place Thursday, Feb. 14, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the McClendon Room.

Contact Club member Ed Barks at [email protected] to reserve your seat in advance. There is no cost to participate. If you have interest but are unable to attend, email Barks to be advised of future gatherings.

February's agenda includes a discussion of the features, benefits, and challenges of three approaches to publishing: Indie, vanity/hybrid, and traditional with a major publishing house. There is also time for unstructured discussion at the end.

What is an independent author? Someone who has written and published at least one full-length book not using a traditional publisher. The book(s) must be available for sale to the public. Print, ebook, POD and audio book formats qualify.

This is a forum for independently published authors to learn more about the business of authorship. It is not a writing or critique group. We share successes and challenges related to the writing, publishing, marketing, and distribution of books. Ours is a relatively informal and thoroughly collegial group.

Attendance is limited exclusively to Club members.