NPC member Ambrose touts OECD's 'freecycle' of its collection of books

National Press Club member Natalie Ambrose invites Press Club members to browse the free collection of materials available at the free collection of the Organization for Economic Cooperation, or OECD.

OECD publishes a lot of books and data which could be of interest to Club members doing research or wanting information on a variety of topics. Due to its upcoming move, the OECD Washington Center is transitioning to an increasingly digital library so the organization is offering its collection for "freecycle" during the month of August on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from noon to 3 p.m.

The OECD Washington Center is located at 2001 L Street NW #650.

The freecycle is first come, first served.Members must supply their own bags to tote home reports on:

  • Agriculture and fisheries

  • Bribery and corruption

  • Chemical safety and biosafety

  • Competition

  • Corporate governance

  • Development

  • Economy

  • Education

  • Employment

  • Environment

  • Finance

  • Green growth and sustainable development

  • Health

  • Industry and entrepreneurship

  • Innovation

  • Insurance and pensions

  • International migration

  • Internet

  • Investment

  • Public governance

  • Regional, rural and urban development

  • Regulatory reform

  • Science and technology

  • Social and welfare issues

  • Tax

  • Trade

Please email [email protected] with any questions, or call 202-785-6323.