NPC officers to give update of Club at membership meeting tomorrow

National Press Club officers will report on the state of the organization at a general membership meeting at noon Friday, May 9.

A buffet lunch is expected to be served beginning at noon, with the meeting will being called to order at 12:15 p.m. Please RSVP to [email protected].

The meeting will be webcast for out-of-town members or those who are unable to attend. To access the webcast, login from the homepage then click the link that will appear in the upper right-hand column.

Here's the agenda of the meeting:

1. Meeting called to order (President Myron Belkind)
2. Approval of the January 17 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes (Andrea Snyder)
3. Membership Report (Marc Wojno)
4. Treasurer's Report (Thomas Burr)
5. President’s Report (Myron Belkind)
6. Old Business
7. New Business
8. Set date for next General Membership Meeting – Oct. 3
9. Adjourn