NPC partners with Magnolia Pictures for movie rentals

NPCinemaIf you are missing your local movie theater, the National Press Club has you covered.

We’ve partnered with Magnolia Pictures to bring members an assortment of new releases that you can enjoy from the safety of your home. We’re calling it NPCinema.

Members can access our NPCinema by clicking here

While nothing can replace the magic of the movie-going experience, we’ve made this process as easy as possible: just find the movie you want to watch and click RENT. You can choose to watch your rental anytime over the next 30 days after purchase, and when you decide to hit "Play" you'll have 72 hours to finish watching before the rental expires.

NPCinema is currently screening five films: "RBG", "Divide and Conquer: The Story of Roger Ailes", "Mike Wallace is Here", "Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins", and "Scandalous: The Untold Story of the National Enquirer". 

Movie rentals are $3.99 and 50% of your purchase will go to support the Press Club.