NPC President Bjerga Has Day Job, Too

At the 71 percent point in his term, our president, Alan Bjerga, is also managing to do a very respectable job at journalism -- in addition to his other duties.

The Bloomberg agriculture reporter recently has found his way into print at BusinessWeek (now owned by Bloomberg). In between hosting NPC luncheons, filing wire accounts for Bloomberg and producing good vibes around the Club, Bjerga has managed to pen three BW stories in the last two months. The latest one, an outlook for the future of ethanol under a Republican Congress: "Deficit Hawks Threaten Ethanol's Future".

He also produced a cover story for the July 26 issue, "Amber Waves of Pain."

This week Bjerga is in the Midwest speaking at three colleges and at least one newspaper and being interviewed by Minnesota Monthly magazine. If you know Alan, you will not be surprised to hear that he reports all of this is fun!