NPC Toastmasters contest winner advances to district contest

National Press Club Toastmaster Shelja Purohit gave a humorous speech that demonstrated the importance of understanding your audience to avoid misunderstandings to win at the Area Speech Contest and advance to the District Level Contest in Bethesda, Md., later this month.

Purohit joined Toastmasters two years ago so that “I could improve my communication skills,” she said.

The NPC Toastmasters plans to hold its regular meeting on Monday, April 10, at 7 p.m. in the McClendon Room.

People join Toastmasters for a variety of reasons.

Former Club president Angela Greiling Keane said of her Toastmaster experience, “I went from being someone who stumbled and said um and ah, usually with words rushing from my mouth, to being someone who as Press Club president in 2013 interviewed dozens of high-profile people on live TV and who has made many live TV appearances as a journalist, talking about various topics. That I can do that with confidence and ease without feeling nervous is a testament to the value of Toastmasters."

Many famous people have used Toastmasters to further their professional careers, including Warren Buffet.

Whether you aspire to further your career or just want to self-improve, Toastmasters provides a safe and fun place to hone your communication skills. Please join us at a meeting. Guests are always welcome and you do not have to be a National Press Club member to join. Meetings are the second and fourth Mondays each month. Visits are free; annual membership dues are about $135.