NPC's Get It Online series features 'Legal implications of social media' on June 7 at noon

Join other communications professionals at June’s Get It Online Series: Legal Implications of Social Media for Communication & Government Relations Executives, on June 7 at noon.

The "Get It Online" lunch series is open to National Press Club members free of charge with the promotional code, NPCMember. Lunch may be purchased in the NPC's Reliable Source. A limited number of guests may attend at a cost of $50 per ticket, which includes lunch. Introductions will begin at 12:15 p.m. and the speaker will conclude by 1:30 p.m. Ample time is allotted for audience questions. Register here.

Whether you are a communications director, public-relations strategist or government-relations professional, questions about how to use social media as a communications tool are commonplace. As these technologies become more prevalent, they raise many legal issues.

At the June "Get It Online" lunch discussion, the Press Club plans to explore the legal aspects of social media. What happens if I tweet about my activities? What if my client posts updates on Facebook? Is this lobbying activity? Does this implicate Lobbying Disclosure Act registration? Do I have to worry about state lobbying laws? What if I’m working with a corporation or trade association? Do I need to worry about campaign finance laws? What are some best practices?

Jason Torchinsky, a partner at the law firm Holtzman Vogel Josefiak, plans to discuss the current views on these issues from the legal perspective.

For questions, please contact Anthony Shop, host of the Get It Online series: [email protected].