NPR literary critic to speak at Club on women 'behind the curtain,' April 10

National Public Radio’s Maureen Corrigan, veteran literary critic on NPR’s popular “Fresh Air” program, will speak at noon Wednesday, April 10, in the National Press Club's McClendon Room.

The free event is sponsored by American Women Writers National Museum, a seven-year old nonprofit founded by Club member Janice Law.

AWWNM’s mission is to honor and showcase America’s premier women writers historic and contemporary.

Corrigan, who writes for the Bookworld section of the Washington Post, will pull aside the curtain of years to reveal the who and what of American women working behind the scenes in the early 20th century, shaping America’s modern literary culture.

Her presentation, "Women Behind the Curtain: Pay Attention to the Wizardesses," will detail how women did the hard work, but often did not receive appropriate credit for their contributions. Corrigan is also a professor at Georgetown University.

Although reservations are not required for the April 10 event, they are appreciated at [email protected]. More details are available here.