NYT Pulitzer Winner Meets with Young Members Nov. 18; RSVP Required

Seats for up to 15 young members are available for cocktails and convesation with New York Times Chief Washington Correspondent David Sanger from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18, in the McClendon Room.Young members are Club members under age 36.

Sanger has worked at the Times for more than 28 years and has covered foreign policy, globalization, nuclear proliferation and the presidency. He has shared in two Pulitzer prizes, one for discovering the causes of the Challenger shuttle disaster and another on the Clinton administration's troubles with technology exports to China. He has won three awards from the White House Correspondents Association for coverage of the presidency and national security. His best-seller, "The Inheritance: The World Obama Confronts and the Challenges to American Power," is a history of Bush-era foreign policy and described the daunting challenges Barack Obama faced upon assuming the presidency. He is also an adjunct visiting professor of public policy at Harvard's Kennedy School, teaching about national security.

To reserve a seat, e-mail name and member number to Ben Dooley at [email protected].

-- Ben Dooley, [email protected]