Official NPC Election Results

Following are the official results of the NPC elections held on Dec. 10:

Journalist members cast 176 votes, of which 87 were absentee.

For president: Mark Hamrick, 172 votes, and 1 write-in

For vice president: Keith Hill, 164 votes, and 5 write-ins

For secretary: Joel Whitaker, 162 votes, and 1 write-in

For treasurer: Myron Belkind, 166 votes, and 0 write-ins

For membership secretary: Angela Greiling Keane, 165 votes, and 1 write-in

For Board of Governors (Journalist) (three-year terms, top two elected):
Patrick McGrath, 123 votes; John Hughes, 107 votes; Ken Mellgren, 98 votes; 9 write-ins.

For Board of Governors (Communicator) 25 votes were cast, of which 5 were
absentee (1 seat, three-year term):
Shawn Bullard, 23 votes; 2 write-ins

-- Myron Belkind, Club secretary, [email protected]