In-person Pub Quiz resumes with small, happy gathering

The resumption of the National Press Club's in-person Pub Quiz on Thursday, July 8, drew small numbers, but generated big laughs and considerable fun.

During Thursday's 90-minute event, as he's known to do, longtime host Marc Wojno posed questions that made us smile ... and think. He included some questions about Australia. "No pressure, though, Daphne!" Wojno quipped in his ever-jocular style.

Last month's final virtual Pub Quiz was an international affair with a guest participating from Australia. Sarah Taylor—a trivia host herself—tuned in from Melbourne, where it was Friday morning.

Virtual Pub Quiz Zoom screenshot.

Having grown accustomed to making transitions during the pandemic, it was no hardship to get back to play after an unexpected fire alarm required participants to leave the building. Instructed not to use the elevator, participants remarked afterwards that the walk down 14 flights helped burn calories from the food and drinks from The NPC's Reliable Source.

In light of vacation schedules, Wojno noted at the end of the evening that there might be a hiatus in August. He recommends watching upcoming Club announcements. Those looking for a light-hearted challenge are encouraged to submit their proof of vaccination here and head on over to the Truman Lounge to join the fun.