Photo Committee to hear versatile local photographer Marty Katz June 26

Marty Katz, local photographer in the Washington- Baltimore area whose work covers the spectrum from politics to food to dance, will speak to the Photography Committee at noon, Wednesday, June 26, in the McClendon Room.

All Club members and their guests are welcome. No reservations are required.

Katz has an extremely broad portfolio of outstanding images in a wide range of genres. Describing himself as “a recovering D.C. photojournalist,” he has shot breaking news and portraits of political and business leaders for the The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, Fortune, Forbes, and numerous other publications worldwide, from Vogue to the Singapore Straits Times.

His Maryland and Washington photography has been part of four Pulitzer Prizes and three documentary film awards. He currently is applying his skills to commercial photography, political and diplomatic photography and D.C. and Baltimore portraits of note. You can see some of his photos at

One of Katz’s unique interests is tango. In addition to showing some of his images during his Photo Committee appearance, he will speak about the weekly Sunday night tango event at Freedom Plaza ( and the unique difficulties of trying to capture an alluring scene with dancers in the foreground and the Capitol down Pennsylvania Avenue.

This is not an easy task; the sun sets on the dancers earlier due to trees in front of the Willard, the sun only beams straight down Pennsylvania Ave. for a few minutes and only in midsummer, and the Capitol is titanium dioxide the sun. Countless hapless photographers try and fail to get the shots.

At the end of his presentation -- assuming the weather cooperates -- Katz will invite attendees to walk outside and join him in surveying the location, at the corner of down 14th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., a block from the Club.

Photo Committee members are also invited to attend the tango event on the first non-rainy Sunday night following the meeting to photograph the dances. The “Milonga a la Libertad,” as the event is called, takes place every Sunday night from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. from late May through September, weather permitting.

For further information, contact Al Teich at [email protected].