Photography Committee to meet April 22 for brainstorming session

The Photography Committee will meet at noon, Wednesday, April 22, in the McClendon Room.

This meeting will include a brainstorming session to discuss plans and prospects for the committee for the balance of the year and beyond. All Club members are welcome to attend. No reservations are needed. Lunch will be available for purchase at the buffet and salad bar at 12 p.m. The meeting will convene around 12:30 p.m.

Questions on the agenda will include the kinds of programs members would like to see at future meetings. What subjects and speakers would be of interest? How can the Committee best serve the needs of the Club and its members? Are there other activities that would be of interest?

In addition, the Committee will have a "show and tell," to which anyone who attends (whether or not they are members of the Committee) can bring photos they'd like to share, either prints or digital versions. There will be an opportunity to share information on equipment issues, such as cameras and software.

The Photo Committee always welcomes new Club members at its meetings.