Plan ahead: Books & Brunch to mull James McBride’s “The Good Lord Bird” on March 21

Books & Brunch will meet at noon March 21 in the Fourth Estate Restaurant to discuss “The Good Lord Bird” by James McBride.

All Club members and their guests are welcome. The restaurant’s brunch menu is available for those who would like to enjoy pancakes, waffles and other treats as we discuss the book.

Please contact Jack Williams at [email protected] for more information.

About the book: (From Amazon) Henry Shackleford is a young slave living in the Kansas Territory in 1857, when the region is a battleground between anti- and pro-slavery forces. When John Brown, the legendary abolitionist, arrives in the area, an argument between Brown and Henry’s master quickly turns violent. Henry is forced to leave town—with Brown, who believes he’s a girl. Over the ensuing months, Henry—whom Brown nicknames Little Onion—conceals his true identity as he struggles to stay alive. Eventually Little Onion finds himself with Brown at the historic raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859—one of the great catalysts for the Civil War.

An absorbing mixture of history and imagination, and told with McBride’s meticulous eye for detail and character, The Good Lord Bird is both a rousing adventure and a moving exploration of identity and survival.

The New York Times review.