Update-1 Podcast

Latest Episode

June 21, 2024

NGPA Executive Director Advocates for Equality on the Flight Deck

Justin Ellixson-Andrews, executive director of the National Gay Pilots Association, speaks about the organization’s founding, current services offered, advocacy strategy including events, DEI-related challenges in an increasingly polarized political climate, and the challenges of attracting and retaining a new generation of aviators in a vital industry.

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Past Episodes

What's The Future Of Afghanistan?

August 28, 2021

How reliable was the intelligence the U.S. received as it planned its withdrawal from Afghanistan? And what is the future of Afghanistan after the U.S. and its allies pull out? Those are some of the issues covered in this edition of Update-1. Broadcast Podcast Committee member Irv Chapman talks…

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Pew's 2021 State Of The News Media

August 3, 2021

Increasing audiences for network news, cable television news, online radio and podcasts, a revenue decline for all-news radio stations and a circulation decline for newspapers. Those are just a few of the findings in this year's State of the Media report by the Pew Research Center. In this edition…

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The Future Of Newspapers In The Digital Age

June 27, 2021

"People want and need our journalism more than ever." That's how the President and CEO of News Media Alliance, David Chavern, describes the current state of the newspaper industry. The NMA previously was the Newspaper Association of America. It's the news industry's largest trade organization,…

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The Dangers Journalists Face While On The Job

June 8, 2021

The International Federation of Journalists says 65 journalists and media workers were killed worldwide last year while doing their jobs. The killings occurred in 16 different countries during targeted attacks, bomb attacks and crossfire incidents. In this edition of Update-1, Broadcast Podcast…

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NPC Member Susan Page Discusses Significance Of Club's All-Female Leadership Team

May 24, 2021

  For the first time in National Press Club history, the leadership team is all-female, with President Lisa Nicole Matthews, Vice President Jen Judson, Secretary Gillian Rich, Treasurer Eileen O'Reilly, and Membership Secretary Emily Wilkins at the helm. In this episode of Update-1, NPC Broadcast…

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