Update-1 Podcast

Latest Episode

June 21, 2024

NGPA Executive Director Advocates for Equality on the Flight Deck

Justin Ellixson-Andrews, executive director of the National Gay Pilots Association, speaks about the organization’s founding, current services offered, advocacy strategy including events, DEI-related challenges in an increasingly polarized political climate, and the challenges of attracting and retaining a new generation of aviators in a vital industry.

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Past Episodes

Putin's Control Of Russia's News Media

March 16, 2022

Lucian Kim has covered Russia and Eastern Europe since 1996 for the Christian Science Monitor and other publications. He recently moved to Washington after five years as Moscow correspondent for National Public Radio, receiving a fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson Center. Interviewed by longtime…

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Journalism Institute President Gil Klein Discusses Press Freedom And Goals For This Year

March 3, 2022

The National Press Club Journalism Institute benefits not only club members but journalists and non-journalists throughout the country. The institute offers a variety of programs that enhance journalists' ability to inform the public and the public's ability to better understand what constitutes…

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115th NPC President Reports On Club Operations And Priorities

February 16, 2022

Highlighting press freedom, increasing media literacy and countering anti-democratic propaganda top the priorities list for Jen Judson, the 115th president of the National Press Club. In this edition of Update-1, Judson, a reporter for Defense News, spoke with Broadcast/Podcast Co-vice Chair Adam…

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Afghan Refugees Resettle in the U.S.

January 16, 2022

Tens of thousands of Afghans have been flown to the United States since the U.S. pulled its last troops out of Afghanistan at the end of August. The co-founder and chair of the Peace Corps Alliance for Cultural Understanding thinks the use of Afghan advisory groups is essential for the well-being…

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"House of Gucci" Author Discusses Her Book And Gucci Movie

December 8, 2021

The movie House of Gucci is off to an impressive start at the box office, taking in more than $33 million in North America in the two weeks since its release. It's based on a book written by Sara Gay Forden, the guest on the latest Update-1 podcast. Forden talks with Broadcast Podcast team member…

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