Post reporters, police expert to discuss Scalia death at Club March 9

Two Washington Post reporters and a retired police homicide expert will discuss March 9 in the McClendon Room the Feb. 13 death of Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia at a luxury ranch in West Texas.

Speakers at a 7 p.m. meeting will be prize-winning reporters Sari Horwitz and Amy Brittain and former Metropolitan Police Department Deputy Chief William Ritchie.

Ritchie made front page news last month by saying Texas authorities should have performed an autopsy to foster public confidence. The U.S. Marshals Service said Scalia had declined a security detail at the Cibolo Creek Ranch. A judge ruled without seeing the body that Scalia died of unspecified natural causes.

The reporters revealed Feb. 24 that Scalia, 79, had been attending for free a gathering of International Order of St. Hubertus, a secretive, all-male hunting society.

Ranch owner John Poindexter, a billionaire Houston businessman, hosted Scalia along with Allen Foster, a prominent Washington lawyer who accompanied the justice.

Poindexter, whose company benefited from last year’s Supreme Court refusal to hear an age bias case against it, reported to authorities that he found Scalia’s body in a guest room. News accounts have stated that 36 guests went to the ranch. Only a few of their identities are public.

All NPC members are welcome. An optional Dutch-treat dinner at 6:15 p.m. precedes the discussion, which is expected to reach the McClendon Room’s capacity. So, early arrival is recommended.