Practice your speaking at Toastmasters meeting, Monday, 7 p.m.

The next meeting of the National Press Club's Toastmasters group Monday, Nov. 14, may be what you've been waiting for -- a chance to learn tips for public and professional speaking, prepared deliveries, extemporaneous speaking and giving cogent answers to spontaneous questions.

The group will meet at 7 the McClendon Room. All Club members are welcome. The event is free.

Following the Toastmasters International format, scheduled speakers will be formally evaluated by other participants. Giving this feedback develops your listening and critiquing skills, which are as important as confident speaking. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to practice thinking and speaking on your feet during the impromptu roundtable question-and-response and the “table topics” session.
See how you can develop your critical thinking skills and improve your confidence to better deliver your message. The Toastmasters meet on the second and fourth Mondays,