From the President: Please Take Care of Members' Work Area

As more of our members work out of mobile offices, the Club's 14th-floor work space increases in importance as a member benefit.

Because of that, I wanted to take a moment to make sure we all know some good rules to live by so this space can be useful in a professional context for all members who want to use it. These rules are now posted in the area as a reminder too.

1. The members work space - like the rest of the 14th floor - is a members area. The work space is for members only, not for clients of the 13th floor.

2. No food is allowed in the work area after the 10 a.m. end of the breakfast service for members. Beverages are allowed. If you want to work through lunch or dinner, please move to the Truman Lounge.

3. No outside food is allowed in this area or in the rest of the Club.

4. If you bring dishes from the Reliable Source to this area, please remember that you are responsible for bussing them back to the restaurant.

5. Please remember that others are working too and keep conversations quiet.

Thank you all for helping pitch in to make the Club the best place it can be.