Press Club president's statement on death of press freedom leader Christophe Deloire of RSF

The following is a statement from National Press Club President Emily Wilkins on the passing of Christophe Deloire, the veteran director general of Reporters Without Borders, one of the world’s leading press freedom organizations.

“It was with great sadness that we learned today of the passing of Christophe Deloire, the energetic and charismatic leader of Reporters Without Borders. He was 53. The cause of death was cancer.

“Christophe was a great friend to journalists everywhere. He was deeply passionate about the rights of journalists. He was a regular visitor to the National Press Club over the years and worked with us on the case of Austin Tice, a journalist held in Syria now for nearly 12 years. Christophe did a substantial interview with Austin’s mother, Debra, at the Club during 2022. On that same trip, Club staff joined Mrs. Tice and Christophe at a private dinner hosted by the French Ambassador to honor Austin.

“We have spoken to the Tice family today and they remembered Christophe fondly but especially for an occasion where Mrs. Tice was invited by Christophe to Paris to speak to a crowd of 10,000 at an outdoor rally. Later, they traveled together on a trip to Lebanon where they worked to raise awareness of Austin’s case.

“Our hearts go out to Christophe’s family at this time and to all in the RSF community and indeed to everyone around the world who has been touched by his compassion and inspired by his leadership. He would want us to fight on in his name and we will.”