Press Club Statement On Wrongful Detention of Alsu Kurmasheva

Alsu Kurmasheva
Radio Free Europe editor Alsu Kurmasheva has been detained since October 2023 in Russia. Photo: Pangea Graphics (RFE/RL)

WASHINGTON, May 31  -- Following is a statement from Emily Wilkins. president of the National Press Club, on Russia's decision to extend the wrongful detention of journalist Alsu Kurmasheva.

“The action taken by a Russian court today in Kazan is a disgrace. Instead of going home to her family, Alsu Kurmasheva will now be held in jail until at least Aug. 5. This is a cruel and disturbing outcome. Alsu is a journalist, an American and a mom. She has already been kept from her family for 227 days. That is 227 days too many.

“We call, again, for the U.S. government to do the right thing and declare Alsu wrongly detained. Doing so would send a strong message that Alsu's government is fully behind her. She deserves no less. She is currently not receiving visits from our Ambassador. She cannot make even one phone call to her daughters. These conditions would likely change were her detention declared wrongful. It is long past time for the U.S. to step up and make this declaration. We call for action on this matter today. It would be a fitting response to the outrageous extension of Alsu's detention.”

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Founded in 1908, the National Press Club is the world’s leading professional organization for journalists. The Club has 3,000 members representing nearly every major journalism organization and is a leading voice for press freedom in the United States and around the world.

Contact: Bill McCarren, 202-662-7534 for the National Press Club