Press Freedom

Speakers protest detention of Mexican journalist on press freedom, moral, legal grounds

January 22, 2018

Speakers at a Jan. 19 press conference sponsored by the National Press Club and its non-profit affiliate, the National Press Club Journalism Institute, protested continued detention of Mexican journalist Emilio Guttierrez by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on press freedom, moral and…

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Club to update developments on jailed journalist at news conference, tomorrow 2 p.m.

January 17, 2018

The National Press Club and its non-profit affiliate arm, the National Press Club Journalism Institute, will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) to discuss developments in the asylum case of Mexican journalist Emilio Gutierrez. The event, to be held in the First Amendment Lounge,…

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More than 60,000 sign National Press Club's 'Free Emilio' petition

January 9, 2018

As National Press Club Press Freedom award-winner Emilio Gutierrez and his son, Oscar, marked one month in detention at the hands of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the number of signatures on a petition calling for his release more than doubled over the weekend to nearly 65,…

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National Press Club effort to free Mexican journalist reaches 'crucial phase'

January 5, 2018

The National Press Club's effort to prevent the deportation of Mexican journalist Emilio Gutierrez has reached a “crucial phase,” Club executive director William McCarren said Thursday, as U.S. immigration officials reconsider his petition for asylum. Gutierrez and his son Oscar have been confined…

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National Press Club condemns continued detention of reporters in Myanmar

December 29, 2017

The National Press Club and the National Press Club Journalism Institute condemned today the continued detention of two Reuters reporters in Myanmar and urged the government there to promptly release them. Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have been in custody since December 12th on accusations of breaching…

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Bureau of Immigration Appeals agrees to reconsider asylum request of jailed Mexican journalist

December 28, 2017

The U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals has agreed to reconsider National Press Club Press Freedom award-winner Emilio Gutierrez’s asylum petition following a campaign by Club members and allied professional journalism organizations to prevent the Mexican reporter from being deported to his home…

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National Press Club renews its call: #FreeEmilio; petition garners 21,000 signatures

December 26, 2017

Following the brutal Dec. 19 assassination of another Mexican reporter, Gumaro Pérez Aguilando, the National Press Club and its nonprofit Journalism Institute are renewing their call for U.S. authorities to grant asylum and freedom to this year's NPC Press Freedom award-winner, Emilio Gutierrez…

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National Press Club, Journalism Institute to Board of Immigration Appeals: Free Emilio

December 15, 2017

The National Press Club and its nonprofit Journalism Institute are asking the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals to grant asylum to NPC Press Freedom award-winner Emilio Gutierrez, a Mexican journalist now imprisoned in El Paso. “We are stepping out of our normal role as observers to advocate in…

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Mexican journalist Emilio Gutierrez speaks to Club from detention center

December 12, 2017

Speaking by phone from a detention center in Texas, Mexican journalist Emilio Gutierrez, who won the National Press Club’s International Press Freedom award in October, told a Club press conference Monday he would be killed if he is deported to Mexico. Gutierrez, who has been a refugee in the…

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National Press Club Press Freedom Award Winner Narrowly Avoids Deportation; Mexican journalist Emilio Gutierrez now in detention in El Paso

December 8, 2017

UPDATE: After an order from the Board of Immigration Appeals preempted ICE's attempt to deport Gutierrez, his lawyer was not permitted to see him. Attorney Eduardo Beckett says ICE officials informed him late Thursday that Gutierrez was being transferred to a facility in Sierra Blanca, Texas. This…

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