Press Freedom

Institute teams with Press Foundation to brain storm on defending First Amendment

April 11, 2017

The National Press Club's Journalism Institute is partnering with the National Press Foundation to host a brainstorming session for the working press on April 19 from 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. in the Club's Murrow Room. Register here to participate. Why? Journalists have a problem. Journalism does not…

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National Press Club, Journalism Institute call for release of Mexican journalist

April 11, 2017

The National Press Club and its Journalism Institute are calling on the Department of Homeland Security to release Martín Méndez Pineda, a Mexican journalist who has been imprisoned for the last two months after seeking asylum in the United States. “The jailing of this brave reporter amounts to…

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National Press Club, Journalism Institute propose Trump-Xi competition

April 6, 2017

As the presidents of the United States and China hold face-to-face meetings April 6 and 7, much attention is expected to be focused on points of contention between U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The National Press Club and its Journalism Institute however are more…

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National Press Club and NPC Journalism Institute to Egyptian President: Free Shawkan

April 3, 2017

As Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi ​visits the White House on Monday for a meeting with President Donald Trump, the National Press Club and its Journalism Institute call on Egypt to release the club's 2017 Press Freedom award winner, Mahmoud Abou Zeid, a photojournalist who works under the…

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As Turkish foreign minister visits, National Press Club and its Journalism Institute call on Turkey to free journalists

March 21, 2017

The foreign minister of Turkey, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, appeared Tuesday, March 21 at the National Press Club for a privately organized event. Access to his speech and subsequent press conference was controlled by the event sponsors. The National Press Club is proud of our history providing a forum for…

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NPC protests White House blackballing of news organizations

February 24, 2017

Leaders of the National Press Club and the National Press Club Journalism Institute expressed shock Friday about the White House press secretary’s decision to keep several news organizations which have written critical stories about President Trump out of one of his briefings. The White House…

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National Press Club calls on Turkey to allow NYT reporter in country

January 18, 2017

The National Press Club released the following statement from President Jeff Ballou regarding the case of Rod Nordland, a correspondent for the New York Times, who was detained and expelled from Turkey on Tuesday while attempting to enter the country on a reporting trip. "We at the National Press…

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National Press Club raises concerns about Trump's use of 'fake news'

January 11, 2017

The National Press Club raised concerns Wednesday about President-elect Donald Trump's continual use of the phrase “fake news” to criticize news stories that he disagrees with or that displease him. In his Jan. 11 press conference, Trump refused to field questions from certain reporters, accusing…

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National Press Club Alarmed at Judge's Unconstitutional "Prior Restraint"

December 14, 2016

The National Press Club on Wednesday expressed dismay over a New Jersey judge’s unconstitutional decision to block a newspaper from publishing information it lawfully obtained regarding a child custody case. Mercer County Judge Craig Corson recently issued a temporary injunction preventing The…

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National Press Club alarmed by press conditions in Turkey

November 1, 2016

The National Press Club on Tuesday voiced alarm over deteriorating press freedom conditions in Turkey, where authorities moved this week to detain a prominent opposition newspaper editor and at least a dozen other media figures. Murat Sabuncu, the editor-in-chief of the opposition newspaper…

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