Press Freedom

Press Club criticizes harsh sentences of Al Jazeera English journalists

June 24, 2014

The National Press Club on Tuesday strongly protested the sentencing of three Al Jazeera reporters by an Egyptian court and renewed its urging for their prompt release. "The judicial treatment that these three journalists have received is horrendous and their sentencing is completely draconian and…

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Press Club lauds release of jailed journalist in Egypt, urges court to free others

June 17, 2014

The National Press Club expressed relief that an al Jazeera reporter has been released from jail in Egypt, but the Club called on authorities there also to release other journalists held prisoner for doing their jobs. Abdullah Elshamy, an Al-Jazeera correspondent, had been held without formal…

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National Press Club Announces Winners of Annual Press Freedom Award

June 12, 2014

An Illinois reporter fighting prosecutorial pressure to disclose the identity of a confidential source and a Bahraini photographer sentenced to a decade in jail effectively because he did his job--these are the winners of the National Press Club's 2014 John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award. Each year,…

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National Press Club to Russian Authorities: Find Those Who Ordered Journalist's Murder

June 11, 2014

Following the sentencing this week of five men convicted of murdering a Russian investigative reporter in 2006, the National Press Club urged authorities in Russia to go further and uncover the individuals who ordered the contract killing. Anna Politkovskaya, known for her hard-hitting reporting…

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National Press Club: Pressure on reporter shows need for shield law

June 4, 2014

In the wake of a court decision that could spell trouble for a New York Times reporter who is trying to protect the identity of a confidential source, the National Press Club urged Congress to quickly pass legislation that would enable journalists to protect their sources. The Supreme Court…

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Afghan radio broadcaster undercuts Pentagon account of U.S. military assault on his station

May 15, 2014

An Afghan journalist who says he was detained and beaten by U.S. military personnel one night last February cast doubt this week on a senior U.S. military official's written defense of the actions of American commandos during the incident. Last March, the New York Times reported that U.S. special…

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More questions raised about U.S. commandos' alleged beating of Afghan journalist

May 14, 2014

The Pentagon and a New York Times reporter gave conflicting accounts this week of whether U.S. special forces beat and threatened to kill an Afghan journalist in late February. The Times reported on March 1 that U.S. special forces had raided a radio station south of Kabul, Radio Paighame Milli,…

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National Press Club urges all sides in Ukraine to respect press freedom

May 5, 2014

The National Press Club voiced strong concern May 5 over a spate of recent physical attacks and kidnappings affecting journalists covering the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The rash of recent kidnappings includes the brief detainment and interrogation on May 2 of BuzzFeed correspondent Mike Giglio,…

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National Press Club mourns remarkable photojournalist killed in Afghanistan

April 4, 2014

The National Press Club joins with journalists around the world as we mourn the death in Afghanistan of veteran Associated Press photographer Anja Niedringhaus, 48, an internationally acclaimed and Pulitzer Prize-winning German photographer. Niedringhaus was shot to death and AP reporter Kathy…

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Club urges Saudi government to allow reporter to cover Obama visit

March 26, 2014

The National Press Club is urging the government of Saudi Arabia to grant a visa to the Washington bureau chief of the Jerusalem Post so he can cover President Obama's visit to Saudi Arabia this week. The journalist, Michael Wilner, is reportedly the only member of the press corps seeking to cover…

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