Press Freedom

Club speaks out against restrictions on reporters in China

January 30, 2014

The National Press Club expressed profound concern Jan. 30 about reports that the Chinese government is restricting the ability of foreign journalists to do their jobs in that country. New York Times reporter Austin Ramzy was forced to leave China over delays in processing his press credentials.…

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NPC panel to debate 'Civil Liberties Dead Zone' at U.S. borders

January 30, 2014

Please note: This event has been cancelled due to inclement weather. The NPC Freedom of the Press Committee will host a panel next month to probe the federal government's under-reported practice of examining the electronic devices of reporters and other individuals crossing into the United States.…

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National Press Club Calls for Immediate Release of Imprisoned Al Jazeera Journalists

January 13, 2014

The National Press Club called today for the immediate release of five Al Jazeera journalists held prisoner in Egypt. "The ongoing imprisonment of these men and the continuing efforts of the Egyptian government to suppress Al Jazeera's reporting should be seen as anathema to supporters everywhere…

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Is freedom of the press on the decline?

December 12, 2013

Are news organizations in the United States free to report on federal, state and local government officials? Or is press freedom something of the past? The National Press Club’s new podcast, "Update-1," discusses this issue with NPC President Angela Greiling Keane and Freedom of the Press Committee…

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NPC workshop: Making the Freedom of Information Act work for you

October 28, 2013

The National Press Club will offer workshops this fall to help reporters learn how to submit effective government Freedom of Information Act requests that quickly get results. The two-part class will be held Nov. 18 and Dec. 2 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Club's Zenger Room. The instruction is…

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National Press Club backs reporter under pressure to divulge confidential Source

October 17, 2013

The National Press Club expressed Thursday its support for a New York Times reporter who continues to fight a government attempt to force him to reveal in court the identity of a confidential source. The National Press Club honored the reporter, James Risen, with a John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award…

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National Press Club decries crackdowns on press freedom in Azerbaijan

October 10, 2013

As elections drew to a close this week in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the National Press Club closely monitored deteriorating press freedoms in that country and the government's imprisonment of political opponents there. The Club joined 22 international organizations, including Reporters Without…

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National Press Club Criticizes Illinois Court for Coercing Reporter

September 26, 2013

The National Press Club criticized Thursday the decision by an Illinois county judge last week to hold a reporter in contempt of court and to impose hundreds of dollars in daily fines after the reporter refused to reveal the source of leaked police reports. Joseph Hosey, who edits the…

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National Press Club Questions Prosecution of Official Who Disclosed Bomb Plot

September 24, 2013

The National Press Club raised questions Tuesday about the Justice Department's prosecution of an ex-FBI agent who reportedly told the Associated Press last year about a foiled terrorist plot to bomb an airliner. Law enforcement officials told news organizations on Monday that they confirmed only…

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Press Club to Explore How Newspaper Unearthed Photographer's Double Life as FBI Informant

September 23, 2013

Ernest Withers was an iconic photographer of the civil rights movement who was granted close access to Martin Luther King Jr. and other movement leaders in order to capture their images for posterity. At the same time, it turns out, Withers was spying on King and his colleagues for the FBI. The NPC…

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