Press Freedom

National Press Club calls for protection of journalists in Syria

January 4, 2013

The National Press Club voiced its serious concern over the status of journalists whose lives are at risk as they cover the conflict in Syria. A number of reporters and media workers have been killed or have gone missing in Syria since the war began, while others have been held prisoner by rebels…

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Press Club expresses concern over reported attacks on journalists in Gaza

November 29, 2012

The National Press Club has expressed grave concern about reports of recent attacks on reporters by Israeli military forces and urged militaries everywhere to safeguard the press during armed conflicts. During the recent fighting in Gaza, Israel Defense Forces reportedly injured numerous reporters…

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Press Freedom panel on threats to journalists' online security, Oct. 24

October 10, 2012

What would you do if your computer had be hacked, exposing sensitive emails, sources, story research and interview notes? What if you learn your cell calls had been intercepted, potentially outing a confidential source? Though digital technology has been an enormous boon to journalists, it also…

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Obama Administration Openness Scorecard: 19 of 20 agencies fail Bloomberg test

October 2, 2012

Bloomberg News just published a project designed to measure how well the Obama Administration is living up to its promise of making the federal government more transparent. A team of reporters filed identical FOIA request asking for a year's worth of travel information for the heads of the 20…

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Police crackdown on photogs increasing in U.S., media rights attorney tells NPC

June 28, 2012

Incidents of journalists and citizens being denied by police their rights to photograph and record in public spaces are on the rise in the United States, a media law attorney told members of the National Press Club June 27. Mickey Osterreicher, general counsel to the National Press Photographers…

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Expert to outline threats to photographers' freedom at noon Wednesday

June 25, 2012

Mickey H. Osterreicher, an attorney and award-winning photojournalist, will discuss "The Ongoing Assault on the Right to Photograph/Record in Public" at noon, Wednesday, June 27, at a joint luncheon meeting of the Club's Photography and Press Freedom Committees in the McClendon Room. Osterreicher…

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NPC press freedom award honors three who died in Syria, intelligence reporter

June 11, 2012

The National Press Club is honoring three journalists who died this winter covering the conflict in Syria and an intelligence reporter who has repeatedly uncovered material the government would prefer to keep secret and who is fighting in court to protect a source. The winners of the 2012 John…

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National Press Club urges Malaysia to fulfill press freedom promises

May 29, 2012

The National Press Club on Friday urged the Malaysian government to honor its promise to reform the country's oppressive press laws and cease targeting journalists who publish critical stories. Prime Minister Najib Razak last September announced he would relax harsh security restrictions that curb…

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NPC Urges Release of Ethiopian Journalist

May 10, 2012

The National Press Club voiced its strong concern May 10 over the expected imminent sentencing of imprisoned Ethiopian journalist Eskinder Nega, who is accused of violating the country’s draconian anti-terrorism law as a result of his high-profile advocacy of press freedom.Sentencing of Nega could…

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NPC and Overseas Press Club spotlight 'war on leaks'

May 8, 2012

A May 1 panel at the club, the first collaboration of its kind with the Overseas Press Club of America, spotlighted the Obama administration’s war on leaks. The war is being waged, panelists said, on multiple fronts: a record number of prosecutions of government officials for disclosing information…

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