Press Freedom

Logan, Parvaz accept John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award

August 16, 2011

Each year, the National Press Club confers its John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award on two people whose actions contribute to the cause of press freedom and open government. The late Aubuchon was a former Club president and an ardent advocate of press freedom. This year's honorees both covered the…

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Club outraged at jailing of Iranian blogger and his mother

August 10, 2011

National Press Club President Mark Hamrick expressed outrage on Aug. 10 at reports that Kouhyar Goudarzi, an Iranian blogger, and his mother have been imprisoned in Iran. The Club honored Goudarzi last year as the international winner of the 2010 John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award after he had been…

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CBS News' Lara Logan, Al Jazeera's Dorothy Parvaz named John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award winners

July 22, 2011

The National Press Club has selected CBS News correspondent Lara Logan and Al Jazeera’s Dorothy Parvaz as winners of the John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award for 2011. The Aubuchon Press Freedom Award honors people whose actions embody the struggle to advance press freedom and open government. Each…

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Club hails release of journalist hostages

June 30, 2011

The National Press Club applauded the release of two French television journalists and an interpreter who had been kidnapped and detained by the Taliban in Afghanistan for more than 18 months. Those kidnapped included two reporters, Herve Guesquiere and Stephane Taponier of France 3 Television,…

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NPC condemns killing of Mexican journalist and his family

June 21, 2011

The National Press Club condemned the killing of Mexican journalist Miguel Angel Lopez Velasco and his family inside their home as violence against the news media in the country has been on the rise. Lopez Velasco, his wife, and their 21-year-old son were killed by gunfire in Veracruz, located on…

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National Press Club urges swift probe of Pakistani journalist’s murder

June 8, 2011

The National Press Club urged Pakistani authorities on June 6 to swiftly investigate and prosecute the murder of Syed Saleem Shahzad, a Pakistani reporter who was found dead last week after having been tortured. On Monday, the National Press Club hosted representatives of Pakistani news…

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NPC Condemns Subpoena for Reporter in Leak Case

May 26, 2011

The National Press Club criticized Thursday a decision by the Justice Department to subpoena a New York Times reporter to testify in a criminal trial about who leaked him information for a book he wrote. Federal prosecutors issued the subpoena May 23 with the support of Attorney General Eric H.…

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National Press Club to Syria: Release imprisoned journalists

May 10, 2011

The National Press Club urges the Syrian government to release and guarantee the safety of imprisoned journalists, including Dorothy Parvaz, an Al-Jazeera reporter who formerly worked for the Hearst newspaper chain. Parvaz is one of several journalists who have been imprisoned in Syria. Parvaz went…

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National Press Club calls for halt to abuses of reporters

April 27, 2011

As World Press Freedom Day approaches next week, the National Press Club is drawing attention to the unacceptable frequency with which journalists in dozens of nations are imprisoned, abused, beaten or killed. "The National Press Club deplores in the strongest possible terms the mistreatment of…

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National Press Club Urges Egypt to Bring Abusers of Journalists to Justice

February 23, 2011

The National Press Club urged Egypt to bring to justice those responsible for abusing reporters in that country and to enshrine press freedom in its new constitution and other laws. In a letter Tuesday to Sameh Shoukry, the Egyptian ambassador to the United States, NPC President Mark Hamrick said…

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