Press Freedom

NPC Lauds Passage of OPEN Government Act

December 19, 2007

National President Press Club President Jerry Zremski today joined leaders of other journalistic organizations in lauding congressional approval of bipartisan reform of the Freedom of Information Act. "We are pleased to join our colleagues in other news outlets and organizations in expressing our…

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NPC Hails House Approval of Shield Bill

October 16, 2007

National Press Club President Jerry Zremski today lauded the House passage of the Free Flow of Information Act of 2007 (H.R. 2102). The measure, which passed on a 398 to 21 vote, was backed by more than 50 media companies and organizations, including the National Press Club. "We are thrilled that…

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NPC fights for open court records

August 2, 2007

The National Press Club has signed onto a letter in which journalism groups protest the American Bar Association's proposed recommendations for limiting public access to court records. "The ABA's Commission on Effective Criminal Sanctions is essentially suggesting shutting off access to court…

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NPC praises reporter protection law

August 1, 2007

National Press Club President Jerry Zremski today lauded the House Judiciary Committee's passage of the Free Flow of Information Act, the so-called "shield law" aimed at protecting journalists and their confidential sources. "The Free Flow of Information Act, as well as similar legislation in the…

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NPC calls attention to shield law hearing

June 12, 2007

n Thursday, June 14, the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on the federal reporter-source shield law (H.R. 2102, the Free Flow of Information Act of 2007) sponsored by Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.). Scheduled to testify are New York Times columnist William Safire, media attorney Lee Levine…

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Members urged to support BBC journalist Alan Johnston

June 6, 2007

National Press Club President Jerry Zremski today urged Club members to sign an online petition calling for the release of BBC journalist Alan Johnston, who was seized on the Gaza Strip on March 12 and has not been seen since. The online petition can be found here. "Alan Johnston is a journalist of…

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FOIA Letter to Senators Reid and McConnell

May 22, 2007

The Honorable Harry ReidMajority LeaderUnited States SenateS-221Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Mitch McConnellMinority LeaderUnited States SenateS-230Washington, DC 20510 May 22, 2007 Dear Senator Reid and Senator McConnell: Please add the voice of the National Press Club to those who have…

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NPC Sends Letter of Concern to Putin

May 14, 2007

The National Press Club has sent a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin expressing the Club's concern about press freedom in Russia. The text of the letter follows: Dear President Putin: News of the death of Boris Yeltsin, the first popularly elected president of post-Soviet Russia, called to…

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Federal Shield Law

May 2, 2007

The National Press Club today joined more than 40 journalism organizations and media companies in endorsing a federal shield law that was introduced today in the House of Representatives. "As we mark World Press Freedom Day on Thursday, introduction of a federal shield law could not be more timely…

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National Press Club Defends Subpoenaed Reporters

January 25, 2007

The National Press Club today announced its opposition to the U.S. Army's subpoenas of Oakland, Calif., freelance journalist Sarah Olson and Honolulu Star Bulletin reporter Gregg Kakesako. The subpoenas call for the reporters to testify at the Feb. 5 court martial of Army Lt. Ehren Watada, who…

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