Press Leaders Call On Egypt to Release Al Jazeera Journalist

WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 — Following is a statement by National Press Club President Lisa Nicole Matthews and National Press Club Journalism Institute President Angela Greiling Keane on Egypt’s decision to extend the detention of Al Jazeera journalist Hisham Abdelaziz.

“We call on Egypt to release Al Jazeera journalist Hisham Abdelaziz immediately and without conditions. Mr. Abdelaziz has already been held in detention for two years, which we believe exceeds Egypt’s own legal limit for pretrial detention. Further, he is suffering from serious health conditions that need attention he is not receiving in prison. If unaddressed these health issues could have serious consequence for Mr. Abdelaziz. Please release him at once.”

Founded in 1908, the National Press Club is the world's leading professional organization for journalists. The Club has 3,000 members representing nearly every major news organization and is a leading voice for press freedom in the United States and around the world.

The National Press Club Journalism Institute, the Club's non-profit affiliate, promotes an engaged global citizenry through an independent and free press and equips journalists with skills and standards to inform the public in ways that inspire civic engagement.

Contact: Bill McCarren, 202-662-7500 for the National Press Club