Professional tour guides put Club on their maps

Members of the Washington Guild of Professional Tour Guides got an inside look at the National Press Club on Thursday, Feb. 25, to enrich their knowledge of the Club for use in their work.

Former Club president and History Committee chair Gil Klein entertained 31 guild members on a tour of Club facilities and at a luncheon in the McClendon Room.

The group was welcomed by Club President Thomas Burr and Executive Chef Susan Delbert, who urged guides to utilize the Club's open-to-the-public Fourth Estate restaurant.

The Guild certifies members who demonstrate that they meet high standards of service and integrity, including having an in-depth knowledge of the city and its history.

"This has been tremendous help and a fantastic experience," said Guild President James Carr after touring the Club.

Some guides said they plan to use the Fourth Estate restaurant and may work Club luncheon events into their private tours.