Programs for Young English-Language Learners: Study To be Unveiled at Club Newsmaker on May 14

"Public Policy for the Emerging Population of Dual Language Learners" -– an extensive study to determine which educational programs have worked for dual language learners and which programs have been wasteful or even harmful -– will be released at a National Press Club Newsmaker at 10 a.m., on May 14 in the Club’s Zenger Room.

The report, prepared by the University of North Carolina’s Frank P. Graham Child Development Institute and funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is designed to be used by lawmakers at the state and federal levels as they determine how to fund and assess Head Start, publicly funded preschool and literacy and cognitive development programs. President Barack Obama has proposed additional spending for both early childhood education and programs to assist dual-language learners.

Addressing the report’s findings will be a panel of researchers from across the country: Dr. Dina Castro, Director of the UNC Graham Child Development Institute; Dr. Eugene Garcia, Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University, and Dr. Linda Espinosa, Professor of Early Childhood, University of Missouri-Columbia.