Proposed Change to Club Constitution Would Add Non-Voting Representative of Library

The NPC Board voted Sept. 14 to recommend the CLub membership approve a change in the Constitution to add the president of the Eric J. Friedheim National Journalism Library Board as an ex-officio member of the National Press Club Board of Governors. Club nembers will vote on the proposed amendment at the fall membership meeting at 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8.

The proposed changes Article IV, Section 3 of the NPC Constitution are in CAPS below:

Section 3. The Board of Governors shall consist of the officers of the Club, each ofwhom shall be elected for a period of one year, and seven other Active members, each of whom shall be elected for a period of three years. In addition, there shall be threemembers elected for a three-year term by the Affiliate members and the Associate members voting as a single class. These Board members shall not vote unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or Bylaws.

The immediate past president of the Club shall be a non-voting member of the Board. THE PRESIDENT OF THE ERIC J. FRIEDHEIM NATIONAL JOURNALISM LIBRARY BOARD SHALL BE A NON-VOTING MEMBER OF THE BOARD. No person shall be simultaneously an officer and a Governor. The terms of the Board of Governors shall be staggered so that as nearly aspossible the same number of full terms shall be filled at each election. Unless otherwise provided by a majority of all the members of the Board entitled to vote, officers and Governors shall be elected on the second Friday in December of each year. Those electedshall take office on the third Friday of the following January at the annual membership meeting. Each Governor and officer, including any appointed or elected to fill a vacancy,shall hold office until his or her successor is appointed and qualified, excepting earlier resignation or death.

-- Myron Belkind, Club secretary, [email protected]