Pulitzer Photos Added to NPC Walls

The NPC has added three new Pulitzer Prize-winning photos to its walls. Two photojournalists recently donated the three photos for the Club's permanent collection. One is the photo that Carol Guzy, a Washington Post photojournalist, presented to the Club in November. It shows a toddler being passed through a barbed wire fence into the hands of his grandparents at a refugee camp in Kukes, Albania. His grandparents, who had no idea if their family was alive, reacted with unbridled delight.

The other two Pulitzers were taken and donated by Patrick Farrell, a Miami Herald photojournalist. His harrowing images show the suffering of young victims caused by damaging floods from Tropical Storm Hanna and Hurricane Ike, which hit Haiti in 2008. Farrell's photos are credited with helping to raise international awareness of the storms' toll on Haiti.

These new Pulitzer photos join those taken by Ron Edmonds during the 1981 Reagan assassination attempt. They are located adjacent to Edmonds' photos outside the Fourth Estate Restaurant, around the bronze Pulitzer plaque. Four additional donated Pulitzer photos are on the wall near the ATM machine.

This is the first year that the NPC has added more than one donated Pulitzer Prize-winning photo to its permanent collection.

-- Darlene Shields, chairwoman, Photography Committee, [email protected]