Register by Jan. 21 for Jan. 23 breakfast program on best practices for producing podcasts

Podcasts are effective and increasingly popular tools for reporters and communicators to tell and share their stories and reach target audiences. Learn about the best practices for producing and using podcasts at a breakfast presentation on Thursday, Jan. 23, 8-9 a.m., in the Cosgrove Lounge at the National Press Club.

The panel of experts who will share their advice, insights, perspectives and recommendations about podcasting will include Robert Johnson, a partner with the Riester advertising agency; Caitlin Sickles, director, government affairs of Bracewell LLP, a law and government relations firm; and Molly Ruland of Heartcast Media, a full-service podcasting studio.

Registration is required, so click here for a reservation by close of business, Tuesday, Jan. 21.

This professional development session for reporters and communicators is sponsored by the Club’s Communicators Team and is free to members.