Registration closes Friday noon for NPC September Step Challenge

The National Press Club is now registering teams for the National Press Club September Step Challenge.  All registration fees will go to the NPC Staff Support Fund, which helps staff members who have been furloughed due to a slowdown in business operations caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

To participate members will need to form teams, wear a step tracking device throughout the competition and submit their tally. 

Register team captains and members and find more information online. Registration closes at noon Friday, Aug. 28.

NPC Step Challenge photo

Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:

  1. Top Journalist Steppers
  2. Top Communicator Steppers
  3. Top Student Steppers
  4. Most Creative Team Name
  5. Most Improved Team from week 1 to week 4

The Club asks members to use the next two weeks to form a team of 4, select a team name, and team captain. The team captain must be a Club member, but the rest of the team doesn't have to be -- so feel free to rally your neighbors, co-workers, family and friends. 

Team captains will be the main point of contact during the challenge and will be responsible for reporting weekly step totals. Team standings will also be reported weekly.