Reporters, ICRC, CPJ to discuss war reporting, 6 pm Thursday

From conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan to Russia’s war on Ukraine, what are the realities of working in a conflict zone? How has covering war evolved in recent decades?

The National Press Club plans to host a panel on the new challenges journalists face in covering wars and best practices for news gathering on Thursday, Feb. 16, at 6 p.m. in the Club’s Conference Rooms. The event is free for Club members and $10 for non-members. You can register for the event here

The panel. "Reporting From the Frontlines: The Changing Face of War," features Laetitia Courtois, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross's New York delegation, Jodi Ginsberg, president of the Committee to Protect Journalists, and Vivian Salama, national security reporter for The Wall Street Journal. The moderator is former NPC President Jen Judson, land warfare reporter at Defense News.

This one-hour event, which is scheduled to include an audience question-and-answer session, is sponsored by the Club's International Correspondents Committee.

Club members are also invited to participate in a companion webinar addressing how the rules of war apply to journalists, the afternoon before, on Feb. 15, at 4 p.m.

Changing Face of War panel