Reporters Without Borders in Documentary Panel, 6:30 pm July 7

Reporters Without Borders’ Washington director, Clothilde Le Coz, will join the panelists discussing freedom of the press and speech after viewing the short films to be shown at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 7, in the conference rooms.

The films are the opening set of the 2010 NPC summer documentary series. There is no admission charge.

The international fellows' short film topics include a grass-roots effort to help in the Gulf oil spill; a portrait of a artist in DC and her chance contribution to another young woman’s self-empowerment; a different camera angle on Rolling Thunder, the veterans’ motorcycle parade commemoration on Memorial Day in DC.

The post-films panel will include international fellows brought to the U.S. by the State Department and George Washington University’s Documentary Center for professional development.

Popcorn and a cash bar will be available.

-- Rodrigo A.-Valderrama. [email protected] and Michelle Kincaid, [email protected]