Running for an officer post or board seat? Please note Friday, Oct. 17 deadline

If you would like to serve the National Press Club by running for a board seat or be a Club officer, Friday, Oct. 17, is the deadline for your nomination sheets to be displayed outside the president's office.

Each year, there's a race for five officer posts -- President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary -- and for any board terms coming open. This year, there are two three-year journalist board terms coming open, one three-year communicator term and a one-year journalist term.

If you plan to run in any of these nine races, and have yet to put your nomination sheet out, please lay it on the tables next to the president's office before close of business Oct. 17, and immediately alert 2014 Election Chair Maureen Groppe [email protected] and Club Secretary Andrea Snyder [email protected].

If you are running for president, you are required to have 25 signatures from eligible club voters by Oct. 24; for all other seats, you need 15.

For the election calendar, see here.

Election rules are here.

If you have questions, please e-mail Maureen Groppe and Andrea Snyder with the phrase NPC ELECTION in the subject line.

Here's to a great race!