Scholarship Committee Seeks Judges

The Scholarship Committee will judge applications for the National Press Club's Scholarship for Journalism Diversity on April 9 or April 16.

We'll go with the date that works for the most people. If you are interested in helping, contact Scholarship Committee Chair Andrea Snyder ([email protected]) by Friday, March 18.

This scholarship, the Club's biggest, totals as much as $10,000 over four years and is awarded to a high-school senior who plans to become a journalist. It is designed to foster diversity in the field.

The Club awarded this scholarship to Mary Susman last year. See http:// for details.

She was able to attend University of California at Berkeley because of our financial assistance. She's keeping very busy and, as a freshman, has worked her way up to senior staff writer for UC Berkeley's newspaper, the Daily Californian. We are proud!

If you're interested in Scholarship Committee events but not free to help judge this time around, please let Andrea know.

We will evaluate applications for the Feldman Fellowship, an award for journalism grad school students, in May. Please don't hesitate to contact Andrea if you have questions or comments.