Searching for a job or a better one? Learn how to set yourself apart at workshop next week

Making an impression on a potential employer starts long before an email or phone call. By then, your digital footprint has done the talking. Don’t let it send you walking.

To avoid that – and to help you create and maintain the professional identity you want to showcase to sources, employers, and publishers, the National Press Club Journalism Institute is conducting a weeklong series of virtual hands-on workshops “Career Connection: Defining Your Digital footprint Monday, May 10, to Friday, May 14.

Register here for one of the sessions or all five days, which are available at no cost. Registration includes access to the video recordings and resources referenced in all sessions. The program will meet from noon to 1 p.m. daily.

Whether you’re a longtime professional looking to invigorate your digital connections or a new writer hoping to establish a foothold in the industry, you’ll leave this series of workshops with a refreshed outlook on the tools and content strategies that will set you apart.

Monday, May 10: What hiring managers want you to know

Hear what makes someone a ‘great’ applicant at top news organizations, with insights directly from recruiters and hiring editors. Whether you’re a mid-career professional looking for a change in responsibility or an emerging talent looking for your first newsroom, “What hiring managers want you to know” will give you tools for a successful job search in today’s market.

Panelists will include:

  • Priska Neely, Managing editor for Gulf States Newsroom (WBHM, MPB, WWNO, NPR)
  • Traci Schweikert, Chief Talent Officer, POLITICO
  • Mizell Stewart III, Vice President / News Performance, Talent and Partnerships for Gannett/USA Today Network

Tuesday, May 11: Tapping Twitter networks in your job search

Join Rebecca Aguilar, a freelance journalist and president-elect of the Society of Professional Journalists, as she shares practical tips on improving your Twitter identity and content strategy during your job search. Aguilar will share tips on maximizing your bio and image spaces, as well as how to keep connection and relationship-building at the heart of your Twitter interactions.

Participants should plan to have their Twitter profile open and accessible during the workshop so that they can adjust it in real time.

Wednesday, May 12: How to leverage LinkedIn in your journalism job search

Level up your LinkedIn profile to maximize its algorithms in your favor during this hands-on virtual workshop. Instructor Yumi Wilson, journalism educator, personal brand expert and former corporate communications manager for LinkedIn, will guide participants through the key changes to their profiles that will yield high-impact results. Work on your profile alongside Ms. Wilson as she shares content strategies and conducts live improvements of participant profiles.

Thursday, May 13: How to rev up your resume for today’s job market

Join “How to rev up your resume for today’s market” to learn how to catch a recruiter’s eye by reframing your experiences. Instructor Bailey O’Connell, lead recruiter for Creative Circle’s Washington, D.C., office, will share practical tips for writing and organizing resumes that make it easy for employers to see your unique attributes.

Follow along to edit your own resume as O’Connell covers:

  • Framing your experiences for new opportunities
  • Resume dos and don’ts for 2021
  • Design and organization tips
  • Examples of what works (and what doesn’t)

Friday, May 14: Office hours

The National Press Club Journalism Institute will host a virtual office hour, open to anyone who attended one of the week’s sessions. Plan to join if you’d like some one-on-one or small-group support, or to dedicate time to implementing what you learned this week.

For more information on the Career Connection series,email Beth Francesco, the Journalism Institute’s senior director, at [email protected].