Seats Available for Oct. 8 Luncheon with Bank of America CEO

Brian T. Moynihan, chief executive officer and president of Bank of America, will speak at luncheon on Friday, Oct. 8. He will discuss U.S. and global financial markets, the recent U.S. and international regulatory reforms and the role of financial services companies in the economic recovery.

Moynihan joined FleetBoston Financial in 1993, rising to lead its global wealth and investment management operations. He served in a number of senior leadership positions at Bank of America after it merged with FleetBoston Financial in 2004.

The luncheon begins at 12:30 p.m. Reserve at (202) 662-7501 or [email protected] Cost of luncheon is $17 for National Press Club members, $28 for their guests and $35 for the general public.

To submit a question in advance, put MOYNIHAN in the subject line and email to [email protected] before 11 a.m. on the day of the luncheon.

Upcoming Luncheons:

Oct. 6 – Margaret Hamburg, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration

Oct. 12 – Gen. Norton Schwartz, U.S. Air Force chief of staff

Oct. 15 – Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State/SOLD OUT

Oct. 25 – Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Muslim women’s rights advocate

Nov. 10 – Actor Jeff Bridges

Dec. 2 – Muhtar Kent, chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola Co.

-- Andrew Schneider, [email protected]