Send Holiday appreciation to Club staff for service throughout the year

The following is a message from National Press Club President Mark Hamrick:

It is time to mention the Club tradition when we solicit funds from the membership showing our appreciation for the hard working National Press Club staff.

Whether it is catering to the needs of a demanding celebrity, or any Club member seeking service, the staff consistently performs at a very high level. And now is our opportunity to demonstrate how very grateful we are for that.

Think about the range of staffers we're rewarding, whether it is someone who has been with us for just a year, or any one of the several people serving the Club for 40 years or so. Some are behind the scenes, others are in the front of the "house."

I'm asking that you join me in making a contribution to the donation boxes where we collect for the Employee Holiday Fund. As you may know, this is distributed among staffers during the holidays. Typically, the Board of Governors has also added to the Fund during the December BOG meeting.

Your participation in the Fund, as it is reported (in name but not dollar amount), is also a sign to the other members that it is worthy of their attention. You can do so using a House Account (if you have one, or can write a check or provide a credit/debit card number). You will find the envelopes and boxes outside the Reliable Source and at the Front Desk.

Thank you for your membership and your service to the Club, and happy holidays!