Send us your best newsletter journalism from 2019

The National Press Club wants to see your best newsletter journalism from 2019. Newsletters provide some of the most important coverage of specific news topics,
The Club, a national leader among journalism organizations, will recognize some of the best work in newsletters for the Club’s journalism contest. The deadline is April 15.
Details on the different awards categories and how to enter the contest can be found online
Entrants are encouraged to enter online, but if you prefer, the Club will accept entries mailed in the traditional way as long as they are postmarked before the deadline. The cost for an entry is $75 and it is free for Club members. The winning entry will get $750.
No matter how you enter, the most important thing is to make sure you submit your best newsletter journalism. The awards will be presented at an annual awards dinner at the Club this summer.
The contest includes awards for political reporting, regional reporting on Washington, international coverage, consumer reporting and online journalism. It also includes a group of awards for areas as diverse as reporting on the welfare of animals, coverage of the journalism industry, the aviation industry, problems facing the elderly and humor writing.