Show your favorite food or drink photo at the Photo Committee holiday party


Cookies served at NPC lunch event with Doris Kearns Goodwin, Nov., 2018. Photo: Alan Kotok

To help beat this winter of our discontent, National Press Club members are invited to join in at the Photography Committee annual holiday party, a virtual fest, on Thursday, Dec. 17, at 5 p.m.

Since it's a virtual happy hour event, party goers will need to provide their own food and drinks. But you can also show your favorite photo about food or drinks, and tell the story about it.

Which food or drink to show? That's up to you. But feel free to define "food or drink" in an inventive or creative way.

Please send in one electronic image, in jpg or png format, that the Photo Committee will display. Each participant can then tell more about the photo, limited to five minutes.

Send your photo to [email protected] by Monday, Dec. 14. You're of course welcome to join the party whether you display a photo or not.

There's no charge for the holiday party, but we ask you to register here and click on Get Tickets

Questions? Contact Photo Committee co-chair Alan Kotok at [email protected] or 202-380-5425.