Silver Owls Hoot to feature Pulitzer winner Kevin Hall as both investigative reporter and entertainer, May 3

A Double Whammy -- insights into investigative reporting and entertainment -- awaits members who attend the Friday, May 3, Spring Hoot of the National Press Club’s Silver Owls.

Kevin Hall, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, will not only speak and also has arranged a musical group, the “Truth Tellers,” to perform at the event. Although the Hoot is a gathering of Club members of 25 years or more, called the Silver Owls, the event is open to all Club members and their guests.

Hoot tickets are $35, which includes dinner and the program in the ballroom. A reception with a cash bar in the Holeman Lounge starts at 6 p.m. For reservations call 202-662-7501 or reserve online.

Hall is the chief economics correspondent and a senior investigative reporter for McClatchy Newspapers, currently working on investigations related to Russia and the Trump administration.

Hall shared the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting on the Panama Papers, and was a Pulitzer finalist in 2010 for his work on a series of stories on the root causes of the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009.

Like others of his news colleagues -- Bob Schieffer and John Dickerson of CBS News and Tom Toles, the editorial cartoonist for the Washington Post, to name three -- Hall performs with a band in his spare time. Toles has entertained twice at Silver Owls Hoots.

Hall is a past president of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers, the nation’s premier association for business journalists. He also won the 2004 Sigma Delta Chi award, conferred by the Society of Professional Journalists, for best foreign correspondence—year-long reporting for a series about modern-day slavery in Brazil’s vast Amazon region.

From 1999 to 2005, Hall was Knight Ridder’s (later McClatchy’s) Latin America bureau chief, based in Rio de Janeiro. Earlier, from 1993 to 1997, he ran the Mexico City office for the Journal of Commerce, and has reported from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, London and across the Americas.