Silver Owls "hoot" set for Saturday, Oct. 27

Mark your calendar now for the next Silver Owls "hoot," which has been scheduled for Saturday, October 27 at the Club's Holeman Lounge.

A reception will begin at 12 noon in the Holeman Lounge, followed by a full-scale buffet lunch in the Ballroom.

Arthur Wiese, the "head hoot" of the Silver Owls organization, says that since the date is only 10 days before the national election, the program will focus, in part, on past appearances by presidents and presidential candidates at the Club over the last 104 years.

There also will be music by a prominent jazz ensemble, the Griff Kaz Trio, and some surprise entertainment to be revealed later.

The event is open to all Club members and their guests, not just Silver Owl members. The cost will be $30 for members and guests. As is traditional with the Owls, there will be a cash bar.

To reserve tickets, please e-mail [email protected] or call 202-662-7501.