Snapchat changes explained at Communicators breakfast, April 6

What’s happening with Snapchat? What are these changes?

Find out at the next NPC Communicators Breakfast on April 6 in the Cosgrove Room from 8 to 9 a.m. Learn how to make these changes work for you.

The continental breakfast is open to members only and there is no charge, but you must register.

Lucy Mink is the Digital Content Studio Lead at Social Driver. In her role, she works with the team of designers and copywriters to help clients and partners reach their goals across social media and other digital channels. You can catch Lucy writing content, developing digital strategies, and crafting new campaigns for SXSW, the Mayor's Office of DC, Hale and Hearty Soups, the DC Lottery, and Honda, among others. Lucy earned her Bachelor of Arts in English from James Madison University.

Alison Williams is a Senior Strategist at Social Driver. In her role, she works with clients to develop and implement cross-platform digital campaigns. She currently works with the Elizabeth Dole Foundation’s “Hidden Heroes” campaign, the GED Testing Service, the ACT Center for Equity in Learning, and the Washington, D.C. Economic Partnership, among others, to execute strategies that help organizations connect with people online. In her free time, she does hand-lettering on her Instagram, @awletters. Alison received her Bachelor of Arts in English at Tufts University.

For additional information or questions, please email Joan Coyle at [email protected].